ʔiisaaksinḥiʔin | Visit Responsibly
Let us be respectful of Natural Law. Let us observe, appreciate and act accordingly.
Have agreed to follow our protocols!
Take the ?iisaak Pledge. Join the movement by signing your name:
Ways you can support during your stay
Practice the Principles of ʔiisaak
Like any other place, there are important customs to follow when visiting Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks.
Visitors and locals in Tofino are encouraged to take the ʔiisaak Pledge, which outlines respectful behaviors and practices to follow during their stay.
Be a Tribal Park Ally
The Tribal Park Allies program brings together local businesses and the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations to protect and nurture the Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks.
By supporting businesses that are part of this program, visitors contribute directly to land stewardship and the resurgence of Indigenous culture.
ʔiisaak Pledge
Some How-To’s:
Notice the ways that your presence has an impact on this place, and find ways to make those impacts positive.
Protect biodiversity by respecting the boundaries and privacy of animals, by keeping a safe distance from them, and by not leaving personal belongings or food unattended.
Take care of yourselves by staying prepared for diverse conditions and emergencies.
Respect flora and fauna who share in a right to coexist by helping to advocate for their protection.
Some How-To’s:
Acknowledge Indigenous rights and title throughout the territory and conduct yourself as a guest.
Take the opportunity to learn the realities of colonization that occurred here and be sensitive to these matters while listening and learning.
Support Indigenous language revitalization efforts. Learn and use Tla-o-qui-aht place names.
Practice communication that helps educate others. Report concerns (such as illegal dumping, fires, harassment or poaching of wildlife) to Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks.
Some How-To’s:
Donate your time and effort by participating in a beach clean or other restoration event.
Help protect these vital habitats by removing invasive species.
Support the Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks Allies program with your purchases.
Contribute to the Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks ecosystem services fee to help support long term protection of this place.
Some How-To’s:
Leave places cleaner than you found them by disposing of garbage and ensuring fires are put out properly.
Refrain from disturbing, destroying or removing Indigenous plants - especially during bird nesting season.
Watch your step and leave small animals, shells, stones, minerals and cultural belongings in place.
Walk, ride, drive, park and camp only where permitted, respecting that not all areas and events are open to visitors.
Have agreed to follow our protocols!
Take the ?iisaak Pledge. Join the movement by signing your name: